I feel this is a necessary post. For today, I want to back up and broaden our discussion to violence in general. It seems the world is becoming more and more violent, and with incidents such as the Boston bombings, you can't ignore it. Now, whether the world has always been this violent (here in the U.S. or in other countries) and media now publicizes it more or if the world is actually growing in violent behavior is beyond me. But either way, this world is becoming a terrifying place. I wish there was a cure all for the violence we witness every day, but there's not. So what can we do?
I go back to the media. Media does it's job; reports on breaking news. However, the media reports on events that get viewers. Therefore, the media portrays the worst of society because that is supposedly what the viewers want. Really? People want to see about murders and shootouts every day? I know I don't and that's why I make the choice to not watch the news daily. But that's just me.
So, if the media reports on what the viewers want, why do the viewers want to see violence? It is in my opinion that today's society breeds violence. Think about it. From a young age, kids are exposed to not only the news with "real world" violence and family violence in the home but video games, music, movies, and television shows that incorporate violence into everyday things and make it enjoyable. Even cartoons are violent! Children today are always in front of some sort of electronic something; portable DVD players, gaming systems at home, computers, televisions, hand held gaming systems, smartphones, etc., etc.
So here's where I get a little scientific. I recently conducted a research study in which I looked the relationship between violent media exposure and later aggression. My research supported the idea that exposure to violent media actually affects the thinking patterns individuals have and therefore affecting later aggression. Although this was true for all types of violent media, video games had the strongest relationship. Think about it, so many of the popular games today are violence based such as Grand Theft Auto, Call of Duty, and so many more. These games put the player in a first person shooter environment where the player actually looks like they are shooting a gun from their chair AND THEN these players are rewarded for killing the opponent or target by winning a game, gaining points, etc. If playing these violent video games as a child changes the thinking patterns of that child to be more criminogenic in nature, and possibly resulting in increased aggression as an adult...WHY DO WE LET OUR CHILDREN BE EXPOSED?! There is plenty of research out there that demonstrates the more someone is exposed to violence, the more desensitized they become. This should not be okay either. When we feel ourselves becoming desensitized to violence, that should tell us something. We should never be okay with seeing violence.
Now, I don't have kids. I don't have to face the difficult decision to tell my child no or punish my child for disobeying me. But, I feel parents have a responsibility to their child and to society to monitor what their children say, do, watch, etc. If there is even a chance something could alter my child's thinking patterns to be okay with violence, they aren't going to be doing it!
I know this post may seem a little venty or even preachy, and I apologize for that, but I cannot imagine the world continuing to go in the direction it is. THINGS HAVE TO CHANGE. And that change is going to have to start with us; explore how you feel about seeing violence in the media, how do you feel about violent movies and shows, violent video games. Make a decision on what you will and will not tolerate based on your beliefs. Once you understand these beliefs, you can pass down your values to your children. By doing this, change will then start to affect future generations. And that is the only way to change society. Do your research on violent media and the effect it has on brain functioning before you buy that new hot game that's out or that new movie that shows how the "hero" shoots everyone in his/her way. Lets stop breeding violence and start breeding empathy, kindness, and understanding in and out of our homes.
This may be controversial, and I truly believe that everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I respect you all. Please feel free to comment, even if you disagree.
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