As we end the month of October, I want to urge you all not to end the war on domestic violence. Simply because awareness month ends, does not mean we get to end spreading awareness. This is a community issue that requires continued attention, discussion, and awareness.
The best way to prevent and end domestic violence is to speak up and speak out!
Don't let another person fall victim of domestic violence simply because October is over.
Please continue the fight to help those you know and those you may not have met yet.
Help our future communities be free of domestic violence by being aware year round!
I found this prayer written by Rev. Dr. Aleese Moore-Orbih
I thought it was fitting to end Domestic Violence Awareness Month with
A Prayer for Continued Courage
"Creator, sustainer,
lover of our minds, bodies and souls:
We are grateful for strength, determination, family,
friends and resources to continue this sacred work.
We thank you that evil will not prevail but love and justice will.
We thank you that death does not have the final word;
that friends, colleagues, sisters, mothers, daughters,
nieces whose earthly lives were stolen from us live on
in spirit in the work we do, the prayers we offer
and the compassion we share.
We thank you that the power of your grace has brought
so many women out of abusive relationships. We thank you
that you continue to hold them in the palms of your
hands protecting and sustaining them. We pray for
continued healing of their body, mind and spirit
that they might be totally free to live
life abundantly.
We pray for those who remain trapped to receive help
and support; that you would make a way out of no way.
We pray for the many children who live and have lived in
violent homes; those who have witnessed their fathers and
other men hurt their moms, aunts and
We pray for healing of their bodies, minds and spirits.
We pray that they will not be shaped by violent
environments, but by liberation, healing and justice and
that they would transcend the oppression they have experienced.
Finally, we ask for continued courage to stand against all
forms of oppression and violence in our world. We ask that
you knit
out hearts, vision and even strategies
across organizational lines to end violence
against women and children.
In hope,
No matter your belief, no matter your higher power, this prayer is one of peace and love.
I hope you have found inspiration, love, encouragement, and most of all, hope this October.
Join us in the fight against domestic violence so that stories, such as Shannon's, do not go unheard. Those we have lost deserve to be remembered and honored. They would want us to help prevent domestic violence from continuing.
We must not stay silent any longer!